Oshmiana - XIV-5 (transliterated)

  • Year: 1915
  • Zoom viewer
  • Full file view (downloadable) (right-click to 'save as')
  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.

Oshmiana - XIV-5

  • Year: Unknown
  • Zoom viewer
  • Full file view (downloadable) (right-click to 'save as')
  • Courtesy of the Library of Congress. Maps may not be used commercially. Public use or display should attribute the source.



Sources on Jewish Communities in this section:


Ошмяна  Ashmyany [Bel], Oshmyany [Rus], Oszmiana [Pol], Oshmene [Yid], Ašmena [Lith], Aschmjany [Ger], Ašmiany, Asmjany,

Oshmana, Oshmiana, Oshmina, Osmiana, Osmiany, Oszmiany, Ozmiana

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Oshmyany/Oshmyany.html Yizkor Book


Жупраны  Zhuprany [Rus], Żuprany [Pol], Župrany [Bel], Zupran [Yid]

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1952716 JewishGen Locality Page


Сморгонь  Smarhon' [Bel], Smorgon [Rus, Yid], Smorgonie [Pol], Smurgainys [Lith], Smorgone, Smarhoń, Smurgainiai 

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1949759 JewishGen Locality Page

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/smorgon/smorgon.html Yizkor Book


Заскевичи  Zaskevichi [Rus], Zaśkiewicze [Pol], Zaskavičy [Bel], Zaskovitz [Yid], Zaskevichy, Zaskrevitz

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1952405 JewishGen Locality Page


Лебедевъ  Liebiedzieva [Bel], Lebedevo [Rus], Lebedeve [Yid], Lebiedziew [Pol], Lebiedziów, Lyebyedzyeva, Lebedzeva,

Lebedzev, Lebedev

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1945268 JewishGen Locality Page


Молодечно  Maladzyechna [Bel], Molodechno [Rus], Mołodeczno [Pol], Molodetchno [Yid], Maladzetschna [Ger],

Maladečina [Lith], Maładečna, Maladzečna 

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1945843 JewishGen Locality Page


Городокъ  Haradok [Bel], Gorodok [Rus], Gródek [Pol], Horodok [Yid], Grudek, Gródek Wilenski, Gorodok (near Mołodeczno)

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1943310 JewishGen Locality Page


Воложинъ  Valozhyn [Bel], Volozhin [Rus, Yid], Wołożyn [Pol], Volozhyn, Vałožyn, Volozin

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/volozhin/volozhin.html Yizkor Book


Вишневъ  Vishneva [Bel, Yid], Vishnevo [Rus], Wiszniew [Pol], Višnieŭ [Bel], Wischnewo [Ger], Višnevas [Lith], Višnieva, Vishnava,

Vishnev, Vishniva, Vishneve, Viszniew, Wisznievo, Wiszniewo, Visneva, Wischnewa, Vishnyeva

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1951326 JewishGen Locality Page


Крево  Krevo [Rus], Krewo [Pol], Kreva [Yid, Bel], Krėva [Lith]

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1944919 JewishGen Locality Page


Ольшаны  Hal'shany [Bel], Gol'shany [Rus], Olshan [Yid], Holszany [Pol], Alšėnai [Lith], Halšany, Holshan, Holshani, Oleshany

Olshani, Olszany  

http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?jg~jgsys~community~-1943149 JewishGen Locality Page


Трабы  Traby [Rus, Yid, Pol, Bel]

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia

http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/ivye/ivye.html Yizkor Book


Вилейка  Vilyeyka [Bel], Vilejka [Rus], Wilejka [Pol, Ger], Vileyka [Yid], Vileika [Lith]

JewishGen Locality Page

Brockhaus-Efron Jewish Encyclopedia